Saturday, January 30, 2010

Stackus iPhone Game Cleared! Tips and Spoilers

Stackus is a physics puzzle game for the iPhone that I downloaded while it was on a time limited sale (free) a couple of weeks or so ago. The goal of the game is very simple, move all objects from the left hand side of the screen to the right half of the screen. It was actually more fun than I initially expected and I ended up completing a stage or two (50 total) every once in a while and finally completed it the other day.

The game's graphics and sound effects are really well designed in my opinion despite the simple game play and theme. For some reason, I enjoyed flipping through the 5 main stage categories which was implemented like the album cover effect for iTunes.

If you are interested in Stackus, you can scan the QR Code above with your favorite iPhone barcode reader and link to the App Store directly for download (if you don't have a reader yet, consider QuickMark.)

Stage Monkey is kinda like a tutorial level to let users get acquainted with the game.

I don't remember much about Stage Yuki, guess it wasn't too difficult either.

Stage Mason wasn't too bad, either.

Stage Gerry is where it starts to get tough.

Stage Zygos can be unlocked once the previous 4 stages have been cleared.

Overall the difficulties of the different levels and stages are well designed so that it will make you think, but not make it impossible to figure out. Stackus gets a 5 star rating in my book and I would recommend it to those who enjoy puzzles.

2 tips that I did not figure out until the later stages:
1) Adjust the orientation of objects on the left hand side first before moving them to the right. For example, a long vertical bar might be hard to balance sometimes. By picking up and dropping the bar against other objects, it is possible to make it lay horizontally.
2) We can nudge or adjust unmovable objects in the right hand side and place objects in spaces where it may sometimes seem like there is not enough room.

Spoiler alert! If you are still working on the game, do not continue reading as I will share my solutions for the last 10 stages for those who are interested. I am sure that there are multiple ways to solve the puzzle and I probably got lucky on some of mine. Anyway, here goes:

Stage 41
Tip: Use the longer rectangles to form the foundation

Stage 42
Tip: Use the red ball (circle) to tip the tack to the right. Nudge the bottom orange block with another piece if necessary (a bit hard to explain...)

Stage 43
Tip: Use the dark purple rectangle block to form foundation.

Stage 44
Tip: Start with light colored objects on the bottom.

Stage 45
Tip: Use dark purple rectangle and a red ball to form base and protection against sliding due to the slope.

Stage 46
Tip: You need fast fingers to stack a purple block and a yellow ball between the 2 towers.

Stage 47
Tip: Use objects of your choice to fill gap (see above).

Stage 48
Tip: Quick and steady fingers to stack the green circles as depicted.

Stage 49
Tip: None really. Surprised to see such an easy one at such a late stage.

Stage 50
Tip: The dark green triangle is key to keeping balance because it is the heaviest. I also used it to trigger a seesaw effect to move the objects that were originally on the right hand side (and thus unmovable) to the left. Then you would need quick fingers to pick up falling object and drop them to appropriate locations for balance.

Once all 50 stages are cleared, you will be rewarded with a short animation saying "Congratulations!"

Monday, November 16, 2009

QR Code 與新聞媒體的結合:壹斑碼登場

第一次看到壹斑碼這個名詞應該是在幾個月前,因同事偶然發現 iPhone 的 App Store 上出現了一個叫壹斑碼的 QR Code 解碼程式,所以就去下載了回來玩玩看。從後來該程式莫名的偷偷下架以及最近這幾天壹傳媒的宣傳報導的情況來看,當時上架的應該是 beta 版。由於該 beta 版真的很不好用 (而且因為內容都還沒出來,導致沒甚麼用處),所以沒幾分鐘就刪掉了,不過還是有注意到壹傳媒在開始動作了。

而就在我快要忘記這件事的時候,Twitter 上面接二連三地出現有關於壹斑碼的消息。原來壹傳媒在上週邀請了多位頗有影響力的台灣部落客來參與壹蘋果"動新聞"的發表。如果還沒看過的話,建議您先拜讀一下這些第一手的資料:

Jeremy - 我看壹傳媒動新聞!
鄭蛋蛋 - [座談會]壹蘋果動新聞 - 充滿震撼的有影片有真相
電腦王阿達 - 蘋果動新聞即將在各平台啟動


簡單說就是蘋果有製作一些新聞影片與 3D 動畫 (未來好像也會有優惠券),而您可以透過手機上網來瀏覽/取得這些內容。但是因為手機上要輸入網址可能會讓某些人抓狂,所以特別提供了一個 QR Code,讓大家可以掃瞄條碼的動作來取代繁複的人工輸入法。

到這裡說不定壹斑碼、二維條碼、QR Code 這幾個名詞已經將一堆從未接觸過這些東西的人給搞糊塗了。說明白一點的話,QR Code 是眾多二維條碼中的其中一種格式,而壹斑碼是蘋果日報自己想出來的行銷名詞,用來表示他們所使用的 QR Code 是很特別的 (因為可以看"動新聞"等等)。

而這些 QR Code 解析出來的內容就是長得像 http://0L1.IN/WP 的短網址。利用短網址的理由大概不外乎 1) 節省面積 (條碼所含資料越多,面積也越大) 以及 2) 統計分析 - 比如說哪幾個影片比較有人看、甚麼時候觀看、可能是甚麼樣的人等等,這些是看一般平面報紙所蒐集不到的資料

2009.11.16 是蘋果日報第一次印製壹斑碼,其中有 5 頁有出現 QR Code,總計共 9 顆條碼。這是不包含另外一整頁的使用說明以及測試用的條碼 (假設我拿到的是完整的報紙)。有網友認為這些 QR Code 所連結的影片不但已經同時用於壹傳媒的網站,未來連他們規劃中的電視台也可以用,相當划算。雖然影片可能要轉成適合手機看的格式有點麻煩,但對壹傳媒應該不算什麼吧。那麼,就來欣賞一下壹斑碼在蘋果日報的初登場吧:





上面有提到壹斑碼就是一般有網址資料的 QR Code,所以不管您愛用哪個解碼軟體都能解得出來,但問題在於使用者必須要有帳號以及蘋果點數才可瀏覽動新聞。在好奇心的驅使下,我也只好來註冊看看。註冊過程很簡單,但認證簡訊有可能要等一下 (我運氣不佳,等了 20 分鐘)。


在 iPhone 上用 QuickMark 讀出條碼內的網址



看完影片蘋果點數也被扣了 (目前推廣期一註冊就有 50 點可用)

Cash - 瑞士商業報紙
City AM - 英國商業報紙
La Gazzetta dello Sport - 義大利體育報
South Side Business News - 美國地方報紙 - 美國線上報紙

無論如何,重量級且極富野心的壹傳媒已經開始用實際行動來推展行動條碼,相信這是關注行動條碼發展的大家所樂見的。不過即使壹傳媒資源這麼充沛,光靠他們推廣是不夠的,畢竟新聞不見得是所有人的菜 。可能有人不會為了看新聞而使用二維條碼,但卻在看病的時候買票的時候、或登機的時候用上了 QR Code 等二維條碼。很多時候不是單一個 killer application 就可以獨撐大局的,而是要加個 s 變成複數的 killer applications 才會吸引人 (如 iPhone App Store)。

所以最好的發展是希望藉由蘋果日報的拋磚引玉,有更多的內容業者開始印製 QR Code 在他們的虛擬或實體媒體上。而當手機廠商在翻報紙、看電視、或上網的時候都三不五時看到這些奇怪的黑格子的時候,相信他們也更有理由內建行動條碼解碼軟體來服務他們的消費者。當越來越多無所不能的手機(或行動裝置)都有讀碼能力後,相信更多奇妙創新的應用也會陸續誕生。若能形成這樣的正向循環,行動條碼才有機會在台灣蓬勃發展。

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

QuickMark Now Available for iPhone, Nokia 5800XM, And More

QuickMark has made several new releases lately, first being its new QuickMark v3.8. Which adds the following new capabilities:

1) 1D barcode support (EAN 8/13, Code 39, Code 128)
2) Redierct Settings (This is most useful when used in conjunction with 1D barcodes)
3) QuickMark API (for developers interested in commercial use)

In terms of device support, QuickMark has increased its support for Symbian S60 phones by extending support to Symbian S60 3rd Edition FP2 and Symbian S60 5th Edition (such as Nokia 5800 XpressMusic) devices.

Last but not least, QuickMark is now available on the iTunes App Store. QuickMark is not the first mobile barcode reader for the iPhone but is unique as it allows for automatic scanning (no more taking snapshots and waiting for decode) and support multiple 1D and 2D barcode formats.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

QR Codes In JiouFen

Jiou Fen, a popular tourist spot in Taiwan seem to have quite a few of the shops and restaurants nearby implement QR Codes. Previously I have only noticed the barcodes on their website, but visitors seem to be taking notice of the strange looking symbols and someone has posted an actual sighting on his blog. The QR Code appears quite large, perhaps containing a lengthy text intro of some sort, which makes one wonder why not just print the text itself? Of course, it is possible that they are using the codes for other marketing purposes as well.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Heinenken Meets QR Code (Taiwan)

Heinenken's official Taiwanese website now sports QR Codes for its marketing events. The QR Codes are of vCard format (LBS specification as defined in OMIA Barcode Standard 3.2) and contain geo-coordinates. This is quite useful for users that get lazy or sloppy in jotting down destination addresses. For instance, one can use QuickMark to scan the barcode, and either choose to save the information or fire up a navigation client (e.g. Google Maps Mobile or Garmin Mobile XT) to display the destination on a mobile map. Screenshots below:

Monday, October 6, 2008

QR On Book Backcover Gives Extra Info

A QR Code is spotted on the back cover of a new book titled Buying Good Products by Alice Ju (link). The book is about how to pick/buy healthy food products. The QR Code is a link to a webpage that contains a short video by the author sharing more information on the topic.